The Kawai Kanjiro Memorial (河井寛次郎記念館) is in fact the home of the late... Kawai Kanjiro (1890-1966), a very well known and respected artist in Japan. Kawai Kanjiro is mostly known for its pottery but he also mastered other forms of art such as wood carving and writing.
The house itself is a classic and pleasant machiya (京町家, traditional Kyoto-style house). For a small entrance fee one can enter and enjoy a relaxing afternoon and a drink, as there is a small counter in the living room. You freely roam in the house and explore the two floors, as well as the furnace which is quite large and impressive. Recommended for: Access: 900 円 Nearby: Toyokuni-jinja 豊国神社 (340m), Myōhō-in 妙法院 (380m), Kanshun-dō 甘春堂 (390m), Rokuhara Mitsui-dera 六波羅蜜寺 (410m), Saifuku-ji 西福寺 (470m), Chishaku-in 智積院 (540m), the Hanbei-fu Bento Museum お辨當箱博物館 (550m), Rakutoihōkan 洛東遺芳館 (550m), Reigen-in 霊源院 (620m), Daitō-in 大統院 (640m),... External links: Website, Wikipedia, Kyoto Navi, Trip Advisor, Kyoto Design, 京都風光, Satellite view, Map Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Higashiyama, 河井寛次郎記念館, Kawai Kanjiro Memorial Statistics: visited on 2 occasions, id 193, 5 photos. |