Kanshun-dō (甘春堂)

Kanshun-dō (甘春堂)


Nearby: Toyokuni-jinja 豊国神社 (120m), Rakutoihōkan 洛東遺芳館 (300m), the Kawai Kanjiro Memorial 河井寛次郎記念館 (390m), the Hanbei-fu Bento Museum 半兵衛麩弁当美実館 (410m), Myōhō-in 妙法院 (440m), Sanjusangen-dō 三十三間堂 (450m), Hōjū-ji 法住寺 (510m), Chishaku-in 智積院 (560m), Rokuhara Mitsui-dera 六波羅蜜寺 (650m), Shōsei-en 渉成園 (680m),...

External links: Kyoto Navi, そうだ京都, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Higashiyama, Kanshundo, sweets, shop, 甘春堂, wagashi

Statistics: id 485, 4 photos.

Photos of Kanshun-dō:

Kanshun-do, a traditional sweets store in Kyoto, Japan
Red bench and hanging noren cloth for a traditional shop in Kyoto, Japan
Noren cloth at the entrance of traditional sweets shop Kanshun-do, Kyoto, Japan