Keishun-in (桂春院) is a sub-temple of Myoshin-ji that was founded in 1598. It is located on the east of the temple complex compound, along a road that bends quite a few times when coming from the south gate. The temple has four small gardens: Shojo (清浄) is the first small inner garden you see after entering the temple, with its "inverted tulip" window, then around the study room is the Wabi (侘) garden with a gate that connects it to the Shii (思惟) garden. The latter is a couple of meters lower than the main hall and has a few step stones and a stone lantern lost in the green vegetation. Finally, the Shinyo (真如) is the largest garden (but still not that big) located in front of the main hall. At the extremity of the temple terrace in front of the Shinyo garden one can use slippers to walk "behind the scenes" of the gardens.
Although I admit that I still have to see these gardens at the right season, for me the best of this temple are the old traditional Japanese umbrellas (和傘), all still in their original wrapping, found on a rack immediately on your right when you enter the temple building. Why they are left in this bad condition I do not know, but it's a rare sight. Recommended for: Access: 400 円 Nearby: Chōkei-in 長慶院 (60m), Daiō-in 大雄院 (70m), Yotoku-in 養徳院 (90m), Chishō-in 智勝院 (200m), Tōrin-in 東林院 (220m), Rinshō-in 麟祥院 (220m), Daishin-in 大心院 (230m), Kingyū-in 金牛院 (250m), Tenkyū-in 天球院 (260m), Tōkai-in 東海院 (290m),... External links: ウィキペディア, Kyoto Navi, Trip Advisor, Kyoto Design, 京都風光, そうだ京都, Satellite view, Map Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Ukyo-ku, 妙心寺, temple, Myoshin-ji, 寺院, 仏閣, Keishun-in, subtemple, 塔頭 Statistics: visited on 10 occasions, id 269, 13 photos (33 extra photos can be found in the archive). |