Saifuku-ji (西福寺)

Saifuku-ji (西福寺)

Saifuku-ji (西福寺) is one of those sad, small, local temples no tourist would know about. Sad because not only like most temples their business in in death (cemeteries, funerals, etc), but also because the temple seems to have a special thing with children, as can be seen with the toys and cups gathered in the small courtyard altar. Jizo statues (mizuko-jizo, lit. "water child jizo" - 水子地蔵) are often found in temples and are placed there by parents of miscarried children or more for aborted pregnancies. Why this temple has mugs I don't know but their "Disney" design shows they're also related to young children, and likely were used by them. Which makes the place a bit creepy.


Nearby: Zenkyo-an 禅居庵 (190m), Marishisonten-dō 摩利支尊天堂 (190m), Reigen-in 霊源院 (230m), Kyūshō-in 久昌院 (250m), Ryōsoku-in 兩足院 (280m), Kennin-ji 建仁寺 (290m), Daitō-in 大統院 (290m), Miyagawa-cho 宮川町 (290m), Seirai-in 西来院 (320m), Yasui Kompira-gū 安井金比羅宮 (330m),...

External links: Kyoto Navi, Kyoto Design, 京都風光, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Higashiyama, 六波羅蜜寺, Rokuhara Mitsui-dera, temple, 寺院, 仏閣, Saifuku-ji, 西福寺, subtemple, 塔頭

Statistics: id 371, 2 photos.

Photos of Saifuku-ji:

Dragon fountain and its golden egg, Saifuku-ji temple, Kyoto, Japan