Katsura Imperial Villa (桂離宮)

Katsura Imperial Villa (桂離宮)

Recommended for: Access: free

Nearest location: Jōjū-ji 浄住寺 (2.2km)

External links: Website, ウィキペディア, Wikipedia, Wikipédia, Kyoto Navi, Trip Advisor, 京都風光, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Nishikyo, 桂離宮, Katsura Imperial Villa, Katsura Rikyu

Statistics: visited on 3 occasions, id 505, 16 photos (16 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of the Katsura Imperial Villa:

Typical Japanese architecture in a pavilion of the Katsura imperial villa, Kyoto, Japan
Beautiful traditional sukiya architecture of a pavilion of the Katsura imperial villa, Kyoto, Japan
Main entrance path bordered by autumn foliage in the Katsura imperial villa, Kyoto, Japan
The large pond garden of the Katsura Imperial villa, Kyoto, Japan
Intricately decorated room with wabisabi touches in the Katsura imperial villa, Kyoto, Japan
Elaborate traditional sukiya architecture, Katsura imperial villa, Kyoto, Japan
Heron and autumn colors in the pond of the Katsura Imperial villa in Kyoto, Japan
Thatched pavilion on the Katsura Imperial Villa grounds, Kyoto, Japan
Thatched roof pavilion lost in lush green vegetation in the garden of the Katsura imperial villa, Kyoto, Japan
Blooming tsutsuji rhododendrons on the grounds of the Katsura imperial villa, Kyoto, Japan
Two pavilions of the Katsura imperial villa during tsutsuji rhododendron season, Kyoto, Japan
Azalea and rhododendrons blooming on the edges of a pond in the Katsura villa, Kyoto, Japan
Pavilion with a view on the main pond in Katsura Rikyu imperial villa, Kyoto, Japan