Kongōbu-ji (金剛峰寺)

Kongōbu-ji (金剛峰寺)Kongōbu-ji (金剛峰寺)Kongōbu-ji (金剛峰寺)Kongōbu-ji (金剛峰寺)Kongōbu-ji (金剛峰寺)Kongōbu-ji (金剛峰寺)

Recommended for:

Nearby: Jōki-in 常喜院 (120m), Tentoku-in 天徳院 (220m), Anyō-in 安養院 (320m), Danjōgaran 壇上伽藍 (350m), Kongosanmai-in 金剛三昧院 (580m), Jōfuku-in 成福院 (640m), Henkōkō-in 遍照光院 (770m), the Kiyotaka Inari Jinja 清高稲荷大明神 (830m), Sekishō-in 赤松院 (990m), Yukoku-ji 熊谷寺 (1km),...

External links: Wikipedia, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Wakayama prefecture, 和歌山県, Koyasan, 高野山, 金剛峰寺, Kongobu-ji, temple, 寺院, 仏閣

Statistics: visited on 3 occasions, id 255, 21 photos (12 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of Kongōbu-ji:

Wooden roof ornament (Kongobu-ji 金剛峰寺)
Largest stone garden in Japan (Kongobu-ji 金剛峰寺)
Soot-blackened roof structure of the temple's kitchen (Kongobu-ji 金剛峰寺)
Large standing stones in the rock garden of Kongobu-ji temple, Koyasan, Japan
Belfry surrounded by autumn foliage, Kongobu-ji temple, Koya-san, Japan
Last light on large rock garden of Kongobu-ji temple, Koyasan, Japan
Last light on the large rock garden of Kongobu-ji temple, Koyasan, Japan
Large rock garden in Kongobu-ji temple, Koyasan, Japan
Large rocks in the stone garden of Kongobu-ji temple, Kyoto, Japan
Rusty copper nail covers on the door to Kongobu-ji temple in the Koya-san complex, Wakayama, Japan