Osakajō Kōen concerts (大坂城公園のコンサート)

Osakajō Kōen concerts (大坂城公園のコンサート)Osakajō Kōen concerts (大坂城公園のコンサート)Osakajō Kōen concerts (大坂城公園のコンサート)Osakajō Kōen concerts (大坂城公園のコンサート)Osakajō Kōen concerts (大坂城公園のコンサート)Osakajō Kōen concerts (大坂城公園のコンサート)Osakajō Kōen concerts (大坂城公園のコンサート)Osakajō Kōen concerts (大坂城公園のコンサート)Osakajō Kōen concerts (大坂城公園のコンサート)

Nearest location: Shinsaibashi 大阪親祭橋 (3.5km)

External links: Website, Wikipedia, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Osaka, concerts, 大坂城公園のコンサート

Statistics: visited on 2 occasions, id 68, 9 photos (29 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of the Osakajō Kōen concerts:

Rock singer
Rock guitar
Lead singer after the fall
Fist in the air
Big tatoo
Eating the mike
More rock, more tatoos
Still eating the mike
Big tattooed guy, bottom-up