Hidden in the forest surrounding its big brother Senyu-ji (泉涌寺), Raigo-in is a small sub-temple with little interest for the mainstream tourist. But that is, as usual, what makes it interesting :-) The temple was built in 806 and followed a classic story for a temple in Kyoto: moved around, destroyed in the Onin war, rebuilt, and finally resting at the bottom of a hidden valley.
Both momiji (autumn colours) and ao-momiji (new spring foliage) are interesting here, and with the smaller number of tourists you can actually enjoy them. The only part of the temple you have to pay to access is the small "villa" itself, its tea house and the surrounding mini zen garden. Again, nothing extraordinary here but a peaceful and quiet place. One warning though: in summer the place is a giant mosquito nest due to the shadow (and therefore humidity) provided by the numerous trees. Recommended for: Access: 300 円 Nearby: Zenno-ji 善能寺 (60m), Imakumano Kannon-ji 今熊野観音寺 (80m), Unryū-in 雲龍院 (200m), Shinzenko-ji 新善光寺 (210m), Hōon-in 法音院 (370m), Goshanotaki Jinja 五社之瀧神社 (430m), Fushikura Daijin 伏倉大神 (450m), Sokushū-in 即宗院 (530m), Ryōgin-an 龍吟庵 (570m), Kaizan-dō 開山堂 (630m),... External links: ウィキペディア, Kyoto Navi, Kyoto Design, 京都風光, Satellite view, Map Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Higashiyama, Senyu-ji, 泉涌寺, temple, 寺院, 仏閣, 来迎院, Raigo-in, subtemple, 塔頭 Statistics: visited on 6 occasions, id 443, 14 photos (9 extra photos can be found in the archive). |