Yusa-tei (祐斎亭)

Yusa-tei (祐斎亭)

Recommended for: Access: 2000 円

Nearby: Hōgon-in 宝厳院 (270m), the Okochi Sansō villa 大河内山荘 (320m), Tenryū-ji 天龍寺 (340m), the Bamboo alley 嵯峨竹林 (380m), Senkō-ji 千光寺 (400m), Shōkaku-ji 正覚寺 (450m), Nonomiya-jinja 野宮神社 (510m), Kōgen-ji 弘源寺 (520m), Furoan フロアン (560m), Jōjakkō-ji 常寂光寺‎ (630m),...

External links: Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, arashiyama, 嵐山, 祐斎亭, yusa-tei

Statistics: id 625, 6 photos.

Photos of the Yusa-tei:

Wide windows with view on early autumn foliage in the Yusa-tei, Kyoto, Japan
Round window with autumn reflections in Yusa-tei in the Arashiyama district of Kyoto, Japan
Tea room architectural details in Yusa-tei, Kyoto, Japan
Kimono fabric patterns, Yusa-tei, Kyoto, Japan
Drawing patterns on a kimono cloth, Yusa-tei, Kyoto, Japan
Four round view windows in the main room of Yusa-tei, Kyoto, Japan