Terashimaya tea store (寺島屋弥兵衛商店)

Terashimaya tea store (寺島屋弥兵衛商店)

Access: free

Nearby: Uchiya Kanbayashi 三星園上林三入 (80m), Byōdō-in 平等院 (300m), Uji-jinja 宇治神社 (450m), Kōshō-ji 興聖寺 (690m)

External links: Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Uji, 寺島屋弥兵衛商店, Terashimaya, tea, store

Statistics: visited on 3 occasions, id 633, 5 photos.

Photos of the Terashimaya tea store:

Tea boxes, Terashimaya tea store, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
paper lanterns in the Terashimaya tea store, Uji, Japan
Three paper lanterns in the Terashimaya tea store, Kyoto, Japan