Zuikō-in (瑞光院)

Zuikō-in (瑞光院)

Zuiko-in is a sub-temple of Manpuku-ji, the largest temple complex in Uji. The temple is not open to the public, but I saw some pictures and accounts of visits on the web so I asked at the ticket booth of Manpuku-ji. Apparently, all I needed was to ring the bell, and indeed the doors opened! The lady was very friendly, and opened all blinds just for me. Great success! Note that as for other temples there may be "special visit" days (特別拝観) but if there's any they're pretty rare.

The main point for the visitor will be the zen garden surrounding the main hall. The main hall is in fact just the main room of the building, which almost looks like a private house. The L-shaped garden's dominant feature is a pond in which several beautiful koi carps live a tranquil life. On the eastern part of the garden a stone bridge lies over the pond, following its arc. This rather unusual bridge pattern likely provides shade for the carps, a necessity for these animals in the summer. The corner of the building features a nice flower-shaped window.

The garden is small but enjoyable, partly due to its unique design but also because it has numerous small features here and there: a stone lantern, an old rusty metallic one, a tsukubai water basin (with very long ladles!),...

Recommended for: Access:

Nearest location: Shōdensansō 松殿山荘 (1.3km)

External links: Kyoto Navi, 京都風光, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Uji, 萬福寺, Manpuku-ji, temple, 寺院, 仏閣, 瑞光院, Zuikou-in, subtemple, 塔頭

Statistics: id 482, 6 photos (1 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of Zuikō-in:

Koi carps in pond, Zuiko-in temple, Kyoto, Japan
Stone bridge path on the pond of Zuiko-in temple, Kyoto, Japan
Secret satsuki and pond garden in Zuiko-in temple, Kyoto, Japan
Main room with view on garden in Zuiko-in temple, Kyoto, Japan