State Guest House (京都迎賓館)

State Guest House (京都迎賓館)

Recommended for: Access: 1000

Nearby: Nashinoki-jinja 梨木神社 (220m), Rozan-ji 廬山寺 (240m), the Imperial Palace Goshō 京都御所 (310m), the Sento Imperial Palace 仙洞御所 (390m), Aoi Festival 葵祭 (420m), the Jidai Festival 時代祭 (420m), Shirakumo-jinja 白雲神社 (580m), Goo-jinja 護王神社 (700m), Kogen-in 光源院 (740m), Kōdō-kan 弘道館 (770m),...

External links: ウィキペディア, Kyoto Navi, そうだ京都, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, 下京, 中京, 上京, Imperial Garden, 京都御苑, 京都迎賓館, Kyoto State Guest House

Statistics: id 586, 13 photos (7 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of the State Guest House:

Entrance courtyard of the State Guest House, Kyoto, Japan
Rock garden with metallic centerpiece item, State Guest House, Kyoto, Japan
Ceiling and light fixtures of a large banquet hall in the State Guest House of Kyoto, Japan
Elaborated gold patterns on the walls of the State Guest House in Kyoto, Japan
Modern sukiya architecture in a reception room of the State Guest House, Kyoto, Japan
Tranquil garden view in the State Guest House, Kyoto, Japan
Stepping stones in the garden of the State guest house, Kyoto, Japan
Pink sarusuberi tree blooming in summer in the State GUest House in Kyoto, Japan
Koi carps in the pond of the Sate Guest House, Kyoto, Japan
Row boat on the pond of the State Guest House, Kyoto, Japan