Gyokukei-ji (玉桂寺)

Gyokukei-ji (玉桂寺)Gyokukei-ji (玉桂寺)Gyokukei-ji (玉桂寺)Gyokukei-ji (玉桂寺)Gyokukei-ji (玉桂寺)Gyokukei-ji (玉桂寺)

Recommended for: Access:

Nearby: Seiuemon Pottery 清右衛門陶房 (1km)

External links: Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, 滋賀, Shiga, 玉桂寺, Gyokukei-ji, temple, 寺院, 仏閣

Statistics: id 111, 12 photos.

Photos of Gyokukei-ji:

Thousands of jizo statues in Gyokukei-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Row of white flags in Gyokukei-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Early yellow maple leaves in Gyokukei-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Little green leaf passing between Buddhist statues, Kyokukei-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Jizo statues with bibs, Gyokukei-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Numbered jizo statues in Gyokukei-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Thousands of jizo statues with bibs made from recycled kimono fabric, Gyokukei-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Juice and coffee cans as offerings in Gyokukei-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Rows of sculpted wooden votive offerings in Gyokukei-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Grass blade and autumn colours, Gyokukei-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
A very local train in a remote corner of Shiga prefecture, Japan