Osaka Harbour (大阪港)

Osaka Harbour (大阪港)Osaka Harbour (大阪港)Osaka Harbour (大阪港)Osaka Harbour (大阪港)Osaka Harbour (大阪港)Osaka Harbour (大阪港)Osaka Harbour (大阪港)Osaka Harbour (大阪港)

Nearest location: Shinsekai 新世界 (3.9km)

External links: Website, ウィキペディア, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Osaka, Osaka Harbour, 大阪港

Statistics: id 91, 14 photos (5 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of Osaka Harbour:

Green hangar door
Forbidden rust
Lone blue bird
Container lineup
Naniwa no umi
Electric hell
Follow the yellow line
Steel industries from a bridge
High pressure oxygen tank
4.25m of pipes and wires
Right yellow arrow
Gas tank
40 is the yellow limit
Complicated architecture