Engaku-ji (円覚寺)

Engaku-ji (円覚寺)

Access: 500 円

Nearby: the Meigetsu-in 明月院 (470m), the Jochi-ji 浄智寺 (550m), Choju-ji 長寿寺 (780m), the Kencho-ji 建長寺 (920m), Kaizo-ji 海蔵寺 (1.1km)

External links: Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kanagawa, 神奈川, 円覚寺, Engaku-ji, temple, 寺院, 仏閣

Statistics: visited on 2 occasions, id 640, 7 photos.

Photos of the Engaku-ji:

Large hall on the grounds of Engaku-ji temple, Kamakura, Japan
Sunlight entering tea room in Engaku-ji temple, Kamakura, Japan
Tea room in Engakuji temple, Kamakura, Japan
Bellflower-shaped window and red carpet in a corner of Engaku-ji temple, Kamakura, Japan
Small temple pavilion in the depth of Engaku-ji temple, Kamakura, Japan