Kirishima-jingū (霧島神宮)

Kirishima-jingū (霧島神宮)

Recommended for: Access: free

Nearest location: the Maruno Falls 丸尾滝 (5.4km)

External links: Website, Wikipedia, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kagoshima, 鹿児島県, Kirishima-jingu, 霧島神宮, shrine, 神社, jinja, taisha, 大社

Statistics: id 385, 6 photos (4 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of Kirishima-jingū:

Building decorated with long-nosed masks, Kirishima-jingu shrine
Stone lantern on the stairs leading to Kirishima-jingu
Roof lines in the forest, Kirishima-jingu
Washbasin to purify your hands, Kirishima-jingu
Roof decorated with long-nosed masks, Kirishima-jingu shrine
Old melted sign of a restaurant at the foot of Kirishima shrine