A-Bomb Dome and Peace Park (原爆ドームと広島平和記念公園)

A-Bomb Dome and Peace Park (原爆ドームと広島平和記念公園)A-Bomb Dome and Peace Park (原爆ドームと広島平和記念公園)A-Bomb Dome and Peace Park (原爆ドームと広島平和記念公園)A-Bomb Dome and Peace Park (原爆ドームと広島平和記念公園)A-Bomb Dome and Peace Park (原爆ドームと広島平和記念公園)

Access: free

External links: Website, Wikipedia, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Hiroshima, 原爆ドーム, atomic bomb, august 1945, genbaku, a-bomb dome, peace park, 広島平和記念公園, World War Two

Statistics: id 244, 6 photos (15 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of the A-Bomb Dome and Peace Park:

Carved stone and commemorative plaques
Thousands of folded cranes
Children's monument
Flashy-colored folded cranes
Folded cranes at the foot of the monument for Koreans victims
The A-Bomb Dome lit up at night