I have only recently started to build the workshop I was daydreaming about when I was 15 so there is not a ton of content yet. Most of the gear here is from Hwelett-Packard/Agilent because they usually have excellent documentation, including schematics which are quite an asset when repairing old gear. Hopefully these random hacks and repair pages will help other hackers: build cool shit, post on the interweb as they say! Do get in touch if it was helpful for you, or if I can further help you (pics, measurements points on working equipment,...)
HP-4396B 2Hz-1.8GHz Spectrum, network and impedance analyzer
HP-53310A 2.5GHz modulation domain analyzer
HP-54542A 4-channel 500MHz 2Gs/s oscilloscope
HP-3325B 20MHz synthetized signal generator
HP-6632A 20V/5A system power supply
Imagenics WBD-14F wideband distribution amplifier
Hitachi V525 2-channel 50MHz oscilloscope
HP-54600B 2-channel 100MHz 20Ms/s oscilloscope
Advantest R-6144 32V/160mA DC voltage/current source
Keisoku Giken EL-302RA electronic load
HP-E3646A 20V/1.5A 60W dual output power supply
HP-3478A 5-1/2 digits multimeter
HP-34401A 6-1/2 digits multimeter
- Not much to say, the two units I have work just fine...
HP-8112A 50MHz pulse generator
HP-53131A 225MHz universal frequency counter
HP-33120A 15MHz arbitrary function generator
HP-E3641A 60V/0.5A 30W power supply
HP-E3642A 20V/2.5A 50W power supply
HP-E3644A 20V/4A 80W power supply
HP-66311B mobile communications DC source
HP-4352B 10MHz-3GHz VCO/PLL signal analyzer
National Instruments GPIB-120A bus expander/isolator
HP-54650A oscilloscope HP-IB interface