A sprinkle of red colours around the Kobun-tei tea house, Shoren-ji temple, Kyoto, Japan

Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Higashiyama, 青蓮院, Shoren-in, temple, 寺院, 仏閣, Kōbun-tei, 好文亭, wood, moss, kirishima tsutsuji, aomomiji, tea house, japanese garden, interior, sukiya architecture, shoji, 苔, 霧島躑躅, rhododendron obtusum, 青紅葉, green maple, spring foliage, 茶室, 庭園, 障子

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A sprinkle of red colours around the Kobun-tei tea house, Shoren-ji temple, Kyoto, Japan
April 23, 2016
35 mm, 1/30s, f/4
AF 35mm f/2 D