

Nearest location: l' Alpage de Bricola (1.5km)

External links: Wikipédia, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Switzerland, Suisse, スイス, Alps, Alpes, アルプス, Valais, Val d'Herens, Glacier de Ferpecle

Statistics: visited on 3 occasions, id 118, 11 photos (25 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of Ferpecle:

Mont Mine
The Dent Blanche
Zone de retrait glaciaire dominee par la Dent Blanche
La Dent Blanche veillant sur l'erosion
Level lines on the shoreline
Pointe de Bertol dans la brume
Hiker in the moraines of Ferpecle's glacier
Dent Blanche and meltwater stream
Dent Blanche over the retreat zone of the Ferpecle glacier
Hikers exploring the moraines of Ferpecle's glacier retreat zone
Dent Blanche and the Bricola hut from Ferpecle glacier's retreat zone