Zensui-ji (善水寺)

Zensui-ji (善水寺)Zensui-ji (善水寺)Zensui-ji (善水寺)Zensui-ji (善水寺)Zensui-ji (善水寺)

Recommended for: Access: 500 円

Nearest location: Chōju-ji 長寿寺 (5.3km)

External links: Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, 滋賀, Shiga, 善水寺, Zensui-ji, temple, 寺院, 仏閣

Statistics: visited on 2 occasions, id 168, 10 photos (2 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of Zensui-ji:

Traditional Japanese umbrella, belfry and autumn colours, in Zensui-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Beautiful red maple tree near the main hall of Zensui-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Woman with brown coat kneeling to photograph autumn colours, Zensui-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
A touch of golden autumn colours in a dark corner of the Zensui-ji temple forest, Shiga, Japan
Wooden rack of Buddhist fortunes, Zensui-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Dark green ferns and yellow maple leaves, Zensui-ji temple, Shiga, Japan
Female photographing autumn colors in Zensui-ji temple, Shiga, Japan