Yamatokatsuragi-san (大和葛城山)

Yamatokatsuragi-san (大和葛城山)

Recommended for: Access:

Nearest location: Taima-dera 當麻寺 (6.9km)

External links: Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Nara, 大和葛城山, Yamatokatsuragi-san

Statistics: id 607, 7 photos.

Photos of Yamatokatsuragi-san:

Forest path on the Yamatokatsuragi-san mountain in Nara, Japan
Blooming azalea covering the Yamatokatsuragi-san mountain in Nara, Japan
Terrace with view on azalea covered mountain, Nara, Japan
Visitor with umbrella braving the heat amidst azalea blooming on the mountain garden of Yamatokatsuragi-san, Nara, Japan
Hiker traversing the rhododendron-covered mountain of Yamatokatsuragi-san in the south of Nara prefecture, Japan
Hikers on rhododendron-covered mountain, Nara, Japan
Two visitors lost in the wide expanse of blooming tsutsuji azalea, Yamato Katsuragi-san mountain, Nara, Japan