Omuro Residence (旧邸御室)

Omuro Residence (旧邸御室)

Recommended for: Access: 600 円

Nearby: Ninna-ji 仁和寺 (440m), Fukuōji-jinja 福王子神社 (470m), Daihō-in 大法院 (570m), Tokuun-in 徳雲院 (670m), Shunkō-in 春光院 (690m), Tenkyū-in 天球院 (700m), Kingyū-in 金牛院 (710m), Shōtaku-in 聖澤院 (720m), Rinshō-in 麟祥院 (760m), Chishō-in 智勝院 (760m),...

External links: Website, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Ukyo-ku, 旧邸御室, Omuro Residence

Statistics: id 196, 10 photos (2 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of the Omuro Residence:

Inner rock garden of the Omuro residence, Kyoto, Japan
Tea room in the Omuro residence, Kyoto, Japan
Stone lantern lost in busy green garden, Omuro residence, Kyoto, Japan
Large stepping stones in summer garden, Omuro residence, Kyoto, Japan
Stone path leading to tea house in the garden of the Omuro residence, Kyoto, Japan
Pink burning spiral of insect repellent, Omuro residence, Kyoto, Japan
Narrow path climbing up the garden of the Omuro residence in Kyoto, Japan
Reflection of a lush green garden in the Omuro residence, Kyoto, Japan