Zenka-in (禅華院)

Zenka-in (禅華院)

Recommended for:

Nearby: the Shūgaku-in Imperial Villa 修学院離宮 (280m), Saginomori-jinja 鷺森神社 (380m), Sekizanzen-in 赤山禅院 (410m), the Kansai Seminar House 関西セミナーハウス (480m), Manshuin 曼殊院 (580m), Hōdō-ji 宝幢寺 (840m), a Tea ceremony 茶会 (900m), Enkō-ji 圓光寺 (900m), Nobotoke-an 野仏庵 (980m), Shisen-dō 詩仙堂 (1.1km),...

External links: 京都風光, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, 南左京, Sakyo-ku, 禅華院, Zenka-in, temple, 寺院, 仏閣

Statistics: id 599, 4 photos.

Photos of Zenka-in:

Fallen red maple leaves around Zenka-in temple's entrance, Kyoto, Japan
Pure red maple leaves on and around Zenka-in temple's gate, Kyoto, Japan
Bright red fallen autumn leaves at the entrance of Zenka-in temple, Kyoto, Japan
Temple marker and pure red fallen autumn leaves, Zenka-in, Kyoto, Japan