Jiun-in (慈雲院)

Jiun-in (慈雲院)

Jiun-in is located just north of Shokoku-ji, of which it is a sub temple. While the temple cannot be normally visited, its gate and front yard are well kept and and look particularly good during the satsuki season in late May / early June.

Recommended for: Access:

Nearby: Jisho-in 慈照院 (70m), Kamigoryō-jinja 上御靈神社 (130m), Chōtoku-in 長得院 (180m), Ikutanike Jūtaku 生谷家住宅 (220m), Hōkō-ji 豊光寺 (250m), Daikōmyō-ji 大光明寺 (270m), Yōgen-in 養源院 (440m), Kogen-in 光源院 (510m), Myōken-ji 妙顕寺 (520m), Myokaku-ji 妙覺寺 (640m),...

External links: 京都風光, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, 下京, 中京, 上京, 相国寺, Shokoku-ji, temple, 寺院, 仏閣, 慈雲院, Jiun-in, subtemple, 塔頭

Statistics: visited on 2 occasions, id 550, 9 photos.

Photos of Jiun-in:

Satsuki azaleas in full bloom at the entrance of Jiun-in temple, Kyoto, Japan
Neatly trimmed and flowering satsuki azalea in Jiun-in temple, Kyoto, Japan
Satsuki blooming in the front garden of Jiun-in temple, Kyoto, Japan