Shimogoryō-jinja (下御霊神社)

Shimogoryō-jinja (下御霊神社)

Access: free

Nearby: Gyōgan-ji 行願寺 (80m), Itsukushima-jinja 厳島神社 (520m), Shūsui-tei 拾翠亭 (550m), the Sento Imperial Palace 仙洞御所 (550m), Munakata-jinja 宗像神社 (640m), the Jidai Festival 時代祭 (640m), the Imperial Garden 京都御苑 (650m), Honnō-ji 本能寺 (730m), the Tawaraya Ryokan 俵屋旅館 (750m), Nashinoki-jinja 梨木神社 (750m),...

External links: Website, ウィキペディア, Kyoto Navi, Kyoto Design, 京都風光, Marutake, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, 下京, 中京, 上京, Shimogoryo-jinja, shrine, 下御霊神社, 神社, jinja, taisha, 大社

Statistics: visited on 2 occasions, id 220, 2 photos (1 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of Shimogoryō-jinja:

Ema tablets, origami folded cranes and other votive offerings in Shimogoryo shrine
Red bell rope, Shimogoryō-jinja, Kyoto, Japan