Jikō-in (慈光院)

Jikō-in (慈光院)

Recommended for:

Nearest location: Hōki-ji 法起寺 (1.6km)

External links: Website, ウィキペディア, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Nara, 慈光院, Jiko-in, temple, 寺院, 仏閣

Statistics: visited on 2 occasions, id 439, 14 photos (15 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of Jikō-in:

Main hall with view on dry landscape garden
Jikko-in temple's main hall
Jikko-in temple's main hall
Main hall and peaceful garden of Jiko-in temple, Nara, Japan
Satsuki blooming in Jikō-in temple gardens, Nara, Japan
Rhododendron blooming in the garden of Jiko-in temple, Nara, Japan
Inner yard bathed in late afternoon sunshine in Jiko-in temple, Nara, Japan
Elaborate wood carving in Jiko-in temple, Nara, Japan
Lone azalea blooming in the garden of Jiko-in temple, Nara, Japan
Tsukubai water basin on the edge of the terrace in Jiko-in temple, Nara, Japan
Jiko-in temple main hall and its traditional sukiya architecture, Nara, Japan
Traditional sukiya architecture with the usual tokonoma, hanging scroll and ikebana floral composition in Jiko-in temple, Nara, Japan