Hōju-ji (宝寿寺)

Hōju-ji (宝寿寺)

Hoju-ji (宝寿寺) is a small local temple in the southern part of the Yamashina valley (or in fact in northern Uji city, which is about the same). Hoju-ji is also the name of a another temple in Kyoto (very similar pronounciation but different kanji). Worse, there's a temple with the exact same name in Ehime prefecture. A bit like finding a St. Peter church in Europe :)

Nearby: Shōdensansō 松殿山荘 (620m), Hinotanjō-in 日野誕生院 (790m)

External links: 京都風光, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Yamashina, 宝寿寺, Hoju-ji, temple, 寺院, 仏閣

Statistics: id 402, 3 photos.

Photos of Hōju-ji:

Bell detail, Hoju-ji temple, Kyoto, Japan
Stone lantern and yellow autumn leaves at the entrance of Hoju-ji temple, Kyoto, Japan
Water basin for purifying hands, Hoju-ji temple