Rakutoihōkan (洛東遺芳館)

Rakutoihōkan (洛東遺芳館)

This old house was the residence of a rich merchant from the Edo period who settled here in 1645. The current buildings are more recent and of the traditional sukiya architectural style, with a front garden and two small 'inner' gardens in the back. While the place is not particularly remarkable in itself, it offers a nice place to rest away from the crowds pouring down from Kiyomizu-dera. The grounds also contain a separate museum in which several old and impressive kimonos are exposed.

Rakutoihōkan is only open a few days in the spring and autumn so you should check ahead of time if you plan to stop by. Just a few meters north lies the bento museum hidden on the second floor of a "fu" shop, and worth a stop while you're in the area.

Recommended for: Access:

Nearby: the Hanbei-fu Bento Museum 半兵衛麩弁当美実館 (170m), Kanshun-dō 甘春堂 (300m), Toyokuni-jinja 豊国神社 (420m), Shōsei-en 渉成園 (540m), the Kawai Kanjiro Memorial 河井寛次郎記念館 (550m), Rokuhara Mitsui-dera 六波羅蜜寺 (610m), Saifuku-ji 西福寺 (660m), Miyagawa-cho 宮川町 (680m), Sanjusangen-dō 三十三間堂 (710m), Marishisonten-dō 摩利支尊天堂 (720m),...

External links: Kyoto Navi, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, Higashiyama, 洛東遺芳館, Rakutoihokan

Statistics: visited on 2 occasions, id 486, 7 photos (5 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of Rakutoihōkan:

Well at the entrance of the Rakutoihokan house, Kyoto, Japan
Light sukiya architecture in the Rakutoihōkan, Kyoto, Japan
Tsukubai water basin and stone lantern in the garden of the Rakutoihōkan, Kyoto, Japan