Kemi Snow Castle (Lumilinna)

Kemi Snow Castle (Lumilinna)Kemi Snow Castle (Lumilinna)Kemi Snow Castle (Lumilinna)Kemi Snow Castle (Lumilinna)Kemi Snow Castle (Lumilinna)Kemi Snow Castle (Lumilinna)Kemi Snow Castle (Lumilinna)Kemi Snow Castle (Lumilinna)Kemi Snow Castle (Lumilinna)

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External links: Website, Wikipedia, Satellite view, Map

Keywords: Finland, フィンランド, Kemi Snow Castle, ルミリンナ, Lumilinna, ケミ, 雪城

Statistics: id 346, 19 photos (18 extra photos can be found in the archive).

Photos of the Kemi Snow Castle:

Ice sign at the entrance of Kemi Snow Castle, Finland
Kemi's snow castle entrance
Kemi's snow castle entrance
Alley between tall snow walls in the Kemi castle, Finland
Ice pillar with Moomin character in Kemi's snow castle
Ice sculpture of cartoon character in Kemi's snow castle
Restaurant room in Kemi's snow castle
Ice sculpture of a mammoth with red lights, Kemi Snow Castle, Finland
Ice sculpture of the Thomson and Thompson characters of the Tintin comic books, Kemi snow castle, Finland
Tintin and his moon rocket in the Kemi Snow castle, Finland
Restaurant table in Kemi's snow castle
Chapel in Kemi's snow castle
Lucky Luke comic characters carved into snow and ice in the Kemi snow castle, Finland
Snow sculpture of a superhero, Kemi, Finland
Anime characters sculpted in ice, Kemi snow castle, Finland
Ice sculptures of Ghibli anime characters in the Kemi snow castle, Finland
Guest room in Kemi's snow castle
Guest suite in Kemi's snow castle