Taking pictures of a large tsukubai water basin with autumnal decorations in Enko-ji temple, Kyoto, Japan

Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, 南左京, Sakyo-ku, temple, Enko-ji, 寺院, 仏閣, water basin, moss, momiji, ikebana, used bamboo, tsukubai, stepping stone, circle, 苔, autumn colours, maple tree, fall foliage, 紅葉, もみじ, 生花, つくばい, 蹲踞, 飛石, 丸, ○

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Taking pictures of a large tsukubai water basin with autumnal decorations in Enko-ji temple, Kyoto, Japan
Nov 21, 2017
50 mm, 1/60s, f/4.5
AF 50mm f/1.4 D