Neat entrance: zabuton, bamboo sandals and autumnal floral composition in the Rakushisha hermitage, Kyoto, Japan

Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, arashiyama, 嵐山, Rakushisha, 落柿舎, cottage of the fallen persimmons, ikebana, used bamboo, sandal, yuzu, cushion, circle, shoji, 生花, 丸, ○, 障子

Back to the Rakushisha (落柿舎)
Neat entrance: zabuton, bamboo sandals and autumnal floral composition in the Rakushisha hermitage, Kyoto, Japan
Nov 29, 2015
50 mm, 1/50s, f/3.5
AF 50mm f/1.4 D