Tsukubai water basin and red azalea blooming in the Shusui-tei tea house, Kyoto, JapanKeywords:Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, 下京, 中京, 上京, Imperial Garden, 京都御苑, 拾翠亭, Shusui-tei, pond, satsuki, used bamboo, tsukubai, japanese garden, circle, rhododendron indicum, 皐月, つくばい, 蹲踞, 庭園, 丸, ○ Back to Shūsui-tei (拾翠亭) | June 6, 2015 35 mm, 1/100s, f/5 AF 35mm f/2 D Location | |