Stone lantern in Sumiya house's inner garden

Japan, 日本, Japon, Kyoto, 京都, 下京, 中京, 上京, Sumiya, 角屋, ageya, well, moss, momiji, used bamboo, tsukubai, stepping stone, stone lantern, metal lantern, japanese garden, 井戸, 苔, autumn colours, maple tree, fall foliage, 紅葉, もみじ, つくばい, 蹲踞, 飛石, 石灯籠, 庭園

Back to the Sumiya (角屋)
Stone lantern in Sumiya house's inner garden
Nov 17, 2011
35 mm, 1/40s, f/4
AF 35mm f/2 D